Photography Tours Buenos Aires / Tours de fotografía en Buenos Aires

Photography Tours Buenos Aires / Tours de Fotografía Buenos Aires

Photography Tours Buenos Aires / Tours de Fotografía Buenos Aires

Photography Tours Buenos Aires / Tours de fotografía en Buenos Aires
We start at about 10:00 Hs (It depends on sunset time), with an introductory class in a Cafe, talking about the basics of camera functions, exposure, composition, etc.
*The Introductory class includes a big coffee and croissants.(Or similar)
* Transportation to and from the meeting point is not included.
- NEW: CD-ROM "BUENOS AIRES 3D": You will receive a FREE copy of the CD-ROM "Buenos Aires 3D" (3D Glasses included) (See http://photo-tours.wix.com/photo-tours#!shop/cou4).
Photos: Bernardo Galmarini
After the talk, we will explore:
- Ntra. Sra. del Pilar Church
- "Floralis Genérica"
- Recoleta Cultural Center and surroundings.
- Recoleta Cemetery
- Aerial views of Recoleta Cemetery (from surrounding building).
- Ntra. Sra. del Pilar Church (inside shots)
-Optional: Ntra. Sra. del Pilar Church Museum (Ticket: $8- NOT INCLUDED)
*Estimated Tour and Introductory Class duration: 5 Hrs
* (The Tour duration is approximated. If the tour extends more the price will be kept.)
For less than 2 persons, the "Private Tour" prices will be applied.
Private Photography Tours in Buenos Aires
Explore, enjoy and learn!

Private Tango Show Photography
(With Dinner)
This PRIVATE TANGO SHOW PHOTOGRAPHY (WITH DINNER) is an exclusive privileged access experience, designed just for you to make great photos of an iconic Tango Show in San Telmo Neighborhood, right in the core of Buenos Aires.
The Tango Show Photography Experience includes:
- INTRODUCTORY TALK: In a "Notable" Cafe, we will talk during 30 minutes (if necesary) about the correct camera settings and techniques for doing photographs in a dark ambient as a Tango Show stage. This Cafe is also great for doing photos!
- PRIVILEGED TABLE LOCATION INSIDE THE TANGO HOUSE: We will have the best located table with the best point of view towards the stage and orchestra.
- DINNER: A dinner with dessert and drink in included during the Tango Show.
- Whenever is possible, we will access to the backstage of the show and photoghraph the dancers while they prepare their make-up before the show in the dressing room.
* Transportation towards and from the meeting point is not included.
Tango Show + Dinner + Introductory Talk duration: 2,5 Hours approximately
Private Tango Show Photography Pricing:
1 Person: US$ 300 / Person
2 or more persons: US$ 260 / Person